Thank you for taking the time to look at our web site. We would really like to meet you and tell you more about our members and our club. Please join us for brunch on the second Saturday of any month at noon, at I-HOP Restaurant, at 4040 E. 22nd St. A group of us get together to celebrate birthdays and just visit. We would really like to have you come to our gathering. Please be sure to call Eileen at 520-222-2423, to RSVP so we can welcome you on any second Saturday. Check out our other events on our monthly calendar under the "Activities" tab on this web site. We would love to see you at any of the events.
Our purpose is to develop activities for single seniors to create friendships, enjoyment of life, emotional growth among all members, and to provide a forum in which all may participate equally in planning, carrying out and enjoying activities such as:
Potlucks, Dine Outs, Dancing, Road Trips, Museum and Lectures, Concerts, Wine and Appetizer Parties, Baseball Games, and Game Days such as Dominoes, Cards, and other board games.
Meet our Board of Directors for 2024. From left: Cliff Leet - Vice President, Tanya Hoffmann - Treasurer, Marilyn Marino - Membership Chair, Rosie Zimmerman - Liaison, Eileen Leet - President, Barbara Jameson - Program Committee Chair, Lucy Smith - Secretary, Paul Thompson - Newsletter Editor and Trustee,